Top Ten for January 9, 2022
HBO’s Station Eleven adaptation – the apocalypse while suitably scary has a sweet, elegiac, tentatively hopeful tone reminiscent of Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō
The lovingly curated James Tenney YouTube channel, better assembled than most biographical Wikipedia pages
“Green nickel is not green for us” – the NYT is doing a great job following tech-manufacturing-materials mining
James Meek’s The People’s Act of Love – why Meek is not better known I’ll never understand; astonishing and gripping novel
Earth, a film by Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Living In Expectation of the Unexpected Gift
The tenth volume in the complete-Haydn-symphonies project (and the Haydn2032 project more broadly)
Preparing for an authoritarian America
Nikolai Medtner – terrific Scriabin/Rachmaninoff contemporary unjustly forgotten, championed by Horowitz to no avail