Talks, Alpine, Just JavaScript

Via Chris Ferdinandi's Go Make Things tips, two explainers: a terrific talk on this by Steve Griffith, and a great Jeremy Keith talk on service workers – Keith's talk isn't especially deep, but given how confusing SWs can be it's a solid conceptual grounding.

I've seen a few talks/tutorials on Alpine – a tiny script that allows a lot of interactivity based on attributes in html (think Stimulus or htmx with Vue's syntax). I was having a hard time understanding how I could put it to use until I saw Caleb Porzio's own walkthrough.

Abramov's Just JavaScript course – through which I learned that null has a typeof object – has ended for now, which is a shame since I was really enjoying it. Sounds like the course is popular enough that it's going to be revised and become a website/book, which is terrific news.